South China morning post zino ka bez maksas visa pasauke caur regionalajam lidsabiedribam dalis 500000 aviobiletes.
varbut kadam noder un airB ari kadu pieskirs
The free tickets will be distributed by Hong Kong-based airlines Cathay Pacific, HK Express and Hong Kong Airlines,
Tickets will be distributed gradually on the airlines' overseas platforms starting with Southeast Asian countries, followed by mainland China and Northeastern Asia, according to Time Out Hong Kong.
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Under the campaign, most of the plane tickets — worth $255 million — will come from three Hong Kong-based airlines through various promotional activities, including lucky draws, "buy one, get one free" promotions and games. The project will begin in March and last about six months, said Fred Lam, CEO of the Airport Authority.
"We hope those who secure the air tickets can bring two or three more relatives and friends to the city. Although we are just giving away 500,000 air tickets, we believe this can help bring Hong Kong over 1.5 million visitors," Lam said.
A portion of the tickets will also be handed out to visitors from Europe and the US
parejas Honkogas dāvanas esot pec reģistrēšanās seit
aviobiletes došot 1+1 vai ar loterijam
Neizskatās, ka Honkongā iestāsies komunisms:
"Tickets sponsored by Airport Authority (“Tickets”) are Economy Class, and all related surcharges, fees and taxes would be borne by the winners of the Tickets."