Expedia, Orbitz, Opodo, Hotels.com un citi kuponi, kodi

218 atbildes [Pēdējā ziņa]
Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 29/10/2008
Ziņas: 20445
Manīts: pirms 37 ned
Kur: RIX

Šobrīd ebay 20% atlaide ar kuponu PRETTYDAY, bet tikai izvēlētiem pārdevējiem. Derīga līdz 26. martam, 8 AM PST.


Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 04/01/2009
Ziņas: 15027
Manīts: pirms 1 st

Expedia.com tikai šodien lielākais no publiski pieejamiem kuponiem: -20% ar kodu SUNSHINE20. Derīgs tikai šodien while supplies last, jānakšņo līdz 30. jūnijam ieskaitot.

Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 29/10/2008
Ziņas: 20445
Manīts: pirms 37 ned
Kur: RIX

Šodien amerikāņu ebay 15% atlaide ar kodu PREPSPRING. Gandrīz jebkam, ko tur var nopirkt. Minimālais pirkums $25, maksimālā atlaide $50.

Kods spēkā līdz 8 PM Pacific Time, kas sanāk 6:00 no rīta pēc Rīgas laika.

Kaut kā pārāk lielas atlaides pēdējā laikā viņi dod, nedaudz dīvaini.

Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 09/09/2012
Ziņas: 1415
Manīts: pirms 4 d

Atkal sanāk ka nokavēts. Naktī vairāk ceļakāju jālasa Grin

Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 04/01/2009
Ziņas: 15027
Manīts: pirms 1 st

Travelocity -18% ar kodu LETSGO. Jārezervē šodien (līdz pusnaktij CST / līdz 9.00 rītā Latvijā), palikšana līdz pat 30.09.2018.

Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 25/02/2015
Ziņas: 244
Manīts: pirms 16 st

orsons21 rakstīja:

Travelocity -18% ar kodu LETSGO. Jārezervē šodien (līdz pusnaktij CST / līdz 9.00 rītā Latvijā), palikšana līdz pat 30.09.2018.

ja booko no mobilā tālruņa, vēl papildus 10% atlaide!!!!

Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 27/10/2012
Ziņas: 117
Manīts: pirms 21 ned

Šis kods nestrādā. Vai arī es īsti nesaprotu kaut ko. Raksta vislaik pie dažādiem hoteļiem - This coupon is not valid for this hotel. Es kaut ko daru nepareizi?

Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 29/10/2008
Ziņas: 20445
Manīts: pirms 37 ned
Kur: RIX

Man viss sanāk, piemēram ar viesnīcu «Bergs» 6.—7. jūnijā:

Bambuk, aplikācijā man rādās tāda pati cena un atlaide, nav lētāk…

Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 04/01/2009
Ziņas: 15027
Manīts: pirms 1 st

aakkis rakstīja:

Šis kods nestrādā. Vai arī es īsti nesaprotu kaut ko. Raksta vislaik pie dažādiem hoteļiem - This coupon is not valid for this hotel. Es kaut ko daru nepareizi?

Visi šie kuponi (Expedia, Travelocity, Cheaptickets, Orbitz, Hotels u.tml.) ir derīgi tikai priekšapmaksas viesnīcām, kur samaksu iekasē starpnieks (tādas ir lielākā daļa, bet ne visas). Ja piedāvā apmaksas variantus, jāizvēlas "pay now". Parasti arī vairums lielo tīklu ir izņēmums, jo tie nemaksā standarta komisijas starpniekam, no kuras, būtībā, arī tiek dota atlaide.

Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 25/02/2015
Ziņas: 244
Manīts: pirms 16 st

Juri, rekur vakar Maltā Beach garden hotel no 13.-20.05. bija gan...

Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 29/10/2008
Ziņas: 20445
Manīts: pirms 37 ned
Kur: RIX

Norezervēji šo? Tev šķiet 18% atlaidi piemērojuši tikai vienam numuram no diviem…

Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 25/02/2015
Ziņas: 244
Manīts: pirms 16 st

Ja, ta skatos. Masica norezerveja, neatcelamu. Bet nu sanaca tapat par kadiem 160 euro letak neka booking.com bija panemusi. Prieciga! Bet nu nakotnei janem vera, ka ja nem vairakus numurinus, tad jamegina ari pa vienam, lidzigi ka avio biletem!

Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 06/10/2014
Ziņas: 477
Manīts: pirms 1 d
Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 29/10/2008
Ziņas: 20445
Manīts: pirms 37 ned
Kur: RIX

SPRING14 — 14% atlaide ebookers.com, ebookers.de utt.

Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 27/10/2012
Ziņas: 117
Manīts: pirms 21 ned

johaidii!! tikko ebookers uz jaunzelandi error biļetes nopirku! Frown

Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 29/10/2008
Ziņas: 20445
Manīts: pirms 37 ned
Kur: RIX

Tā atlaide nav lidojumiem, tikai viesnīcām. Smile

Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 04/01/2009
Ziņas: 15027
Manīts: pirms 1 st

Travelocity atsūtīja: 17% atlade ar kodu BIGDAY, 20% atlaide aplikācijā ar kodu APP20. 

Jārezervē šodien līdz pusnaktij pēc amerikāņu CST, palikt var līdz 31. decembrim ieskaitot.

Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 29/10/2008
Ziņas: 20445
Manīts: pirms 37 ned
Kur: RIX

www.hotel.de 50 EUR atlaide no 300 EUR ar kodu WELTMEISTER-50, 20 EUR atlaide no 120 EUR ar kodu WELTMEISTER-20. Rezervācija jāveic līdz jūnija beigām, palikšana jebkad.

Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 25/06/2011
Ziņas: 2270
Manīts: pirms 2 gadi

Hostelworld rezervacijas rekinam 17.50% naudas atmaksa https://www.cashrewards.com.au/hostelworld#coupons

Pieregistrejoties lapa dod bonus 10$ bet javeic pirkums 3 dienu laika pec registracijas lai sanemtu

Uzaicini draugu un sanjem 10$

Neesmu pats lietojis!!!


Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 27/10/2012
Ziņas: 117
Manīts: pirms 21 ned

Ebookers.co.uk laba atlaide. HOLIDAY14 - 14% no viesnīcām, HOLIDAY60 - 60 GBP nost no Flight+Hotel kombinācijas, ja kopsumma virs 500 GBP. Strādā apvienojumā arī ar insider piedāvājumu atlaidēm.

Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 27/10/2012
Ziņas: 117
Manīts: pirms 21 ned

Orbitz - LIVEITUP -10% viesnīcām

Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 04/01/2009
Ziņas: 15027
Manīts: pirms 1 st

aakkis rakstīja:

Orbitz - LIVEITUP -10% viesnīcām

Šo jau diez vai ir vērts te pieminēt, ja cheaptickets (expedia grupa, tāpat kā orbitz, tāpēc sākuma cenas vienādas) dod -16% ar kodu WANDERLUST.

Šie vispār ir dāsnākie no expedia grupas, un 16% kodi ir gandrīz pastāvīgi (agrāk gan bija 18%).

Un vēl var Chrome pārlūkam pievienot retailmenot pluginu, tad attiecīgās vietnēs šis pats meklē labāko kodu un lielāko atlaidi. Protams, 100% var nenostrādāt, un pilnīgi visas interneta vietnes ar potenciāliem kodiem tas nezin, bet vispār ērti. 

Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 27/10/2012
Ziņas: 117
Manīts: pirms 21 ned

paldies!!!!! vajadzēja šo ātrāk uzrakstīt. Frown(

Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 04/01/2009
Ziņas: 15027
Manīts: pirms 1 st

aakkis rakstīja:

paldies!!!!! vajadzēja šo ātrāk uzrakstīt. Frown(

Es to pašu teicu, kad infests uzrakstīja par cheaptickets 18% kodiem šajā tēmā pāris gadus atpakaļ Smile!

Toreiz arī uzzināju, ka šādi kodi ir gandrīz regulāri. Toreiz standartā vēl bija 18%, un īpašos gadījumos 20-25%.

Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 13/11/2009
Ziņas: 328
Manīts: pirms 2 gadi

expedia.com atsūtīja e-pastu, ka ar kodu HITRESET mobilajā aplikācijā ir 90% atlaide viesnīcām, paliekot līdz 5.janvārim. Izdevās ASV norezervēt viesnīcu, kas pirms nodokļiem maksāja 110 USD, par 26 EUR. Diemžēl, ķēdes viesnīcām kods neder.

Lietotāja Rihards_007 attēls
Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 08/04/2010
Ziņas: 4484
Manīts: pirms 4 st

Viesnīcām visā pasaulē?
Iekopē e-pasta tekstu lai skaidri nosacījumi.

Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 29/10/2008
Ziņas: 20445
Manīts: pirms 37 ned
Kur: RIX

Rihard, https://www.expedia.com/g/rg/hit-reset

Get the free Expedia App and your app-exclusive coupons below! Valid for select flights travel, through June 30, 2019 and select hotel stays, travel through January 5, 2019.*

*App only. Limited quantity, while supplies last. Terms and conditions apply.

Visi kuponi jau iztērēti.

Noteikumi: https://www.expedia.com/g/rf/app-coupon-90

Expedia End of Year App-Only Deals!

90% off on select hotels

Qualifying Bookings: This coupon code discount applies only to stand-alone hotel bookings (not a hotel booking in combination with any other product or offering such as flight + hotel or flight + hotel + car) made through the US Expedia Mobile App or the Expedia Tablet App that are pre-paid at the time of booking (subject to the restrictions set out in the terms and conditions below). The App is available to download from (i) the iTunes store and (ii) the Google Play Store. For details see www.expedia.com/app.

Coupon code value : 90% off (maximum savings is $500).

Redemption Period: 09:00am PST December 13, 2018 to 11:59pm PST, December 14, 2018. Limited quantity, while supplies last.

Travel Period: The travel dates must be between December 13, 2018 and January 5, 2019 (inclusive).

How to use your coupon code

· You must make your stand-alone hotel booking through the App.

· Use the App to search for hotels for your desired stay dates, within the travel period given above.

· During the booking process, on the payment page you will see the link ”Enter coupon code” where you can enter the coupon code.

· Enter the coupon code in the relevant field and then click the “Apply” button. If your booking is eligible, the applicable discount will be subtracted from the price of the travel reservation before the application of any taxes, applicable fees or additional costs.

· This offer does not apply to multi-room bookings.



1. Subject to the restrictions set out in these terms and conditions and compliance with the above, the coupon code may be applied to select stand-alone hotel only bookings (not a hotel booking in combination with any other product such as flight + hotel or flight + hotel + car) made through the US Expedia Mobile App. The coupon code can only be used for pre-pay bookings and cannot be redeemed against bookings which are paid at the destination.

2. The coupon code cannot be redeemed against hotel stays at: AC by Marriott, Allegro, Amari, AMResorts, Ana Hotels International, Andaz, Arenaturist, Armani Hotels, Aston Resorts, Autograph Collection Hotels & Resorts, Ayres Hotel, Barcelo, Baymont Inns & Suites, Beaches Resorts, Bulgari Hotels & Resorts, Candlewood Hotel, Conrad, Corinthia Hotels, Country Inn & Suites, Courtyard, Crowne Plaza, Curio Collection, Days Inn, Delta Hotels, Dolce Hotels and Resorts, Doubletree, Edition, Emaar Hospitality Group, Embassy Suites, Eurostars Hotels, EVEN Hotels, Fairfield Inn, Fën Hotels, Fortune Hotels, Four Seasons, Furama, Gaylord Entertainment, Hampton Inn, Hawthorn Suites, Hilton Hotels and Resorts, Holiday Inn Hotels & Resorts, Home2 Suites by Hilton, Homewood Suites, Hotel 81, Hotel Indigo, Hotusa, Howard Johnson, HUALUXE, HV Hotels, Hyatt Hotel & Resorts, Inter-Continental, Jumeirah, Kempinski Hotels & Resorts, Kingsgate, Knights Inn, La Quinta Inn & Suites, Leela Group, Lowes, Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group, Marriott Hotels & Resorts, Marriott Executive Apartments, Meritus, Microtel Inn, Millennium Hotels, Movenpick Hotels & Resorts, MOXY, Occidental, Omni, One&Only Resorts, Park Inn, Park Plaza, Playa Hotels and Resorts, Protea, Quorvus, Radisson Hotel Group, Raffles Intl Hotels and Resorts, Ramada, Red Roof Inn, Renaissance, Residence Inn, Ritz-Carlton, RIU Hotels & Resorts, RoomMates, Rosewood Hotels, Rove Hotels, Royal Hideaway, Sandals Resorts, Scandic Hotels, SpringHill Suites, Staybridge Suites, Super 8, Swiss Quality Hotels, Swissotel, Taj Hotels, Resorts & Palaces, Tapestry Collection by Hilton, The Address Hotels & Resorts, The Gateway Hotels, The Peninsula Group, Thon Hotels, TownePlace Suites, Travelodge, Tru by Hilton, TRYP by Wyndham, Universal Orlando Resort, Universal Resorts, Vida Hotels & Resorts, Vincci, Vivanta by Taj, Waldorf Astoria, Wingate Inn, Wyndham Hotels . The participating hotels for qualifying bookings may change at any time.

3. The coupon code may only be used in relation to the first room booked on an eligible single booking. This means that where the eligible booking includes more than one room, the coupon code will only be applied against the first room in the booking.

4. The coupon code entitles you to 90% off the price of the relevant travel reservation before the application of any taxes, applicable fees or additional costs (maximum savings of $500).

5. The coupon code cannot be redeemed against taxes, supplier fees, cancellation or change fees/penalties, administrative fees or other miscellaneous charges, which are the sole responsibility of the customer.

6. Usual booking terms and conditions apply (see http://www.expedia.com/p/info-other/legal.htm ) and all bookings are subject to availability.

7. The coupon code may not be used or combined with other coupons, promotions or special offers.

8. The coupon code cannot be used for any booking previously made. The coupon can only be used once per customer and will be deemed fully redeemed once a qualifying booking has been made. The coupon code has no cash value and no refunds or cash alternative will be offered. There is no residual value and no credit will be issued if the purchase amount is less than the coupon code discount. The coupon code may not be re-used, even in the event that you change or cancel the booking.

9. The coupon code is void where prohibited by law and may only be used by legal residents of the US aged 18 and over.

10. When booking using a mobile device, message and data rates may apply. Please consult your wireless service provider regarding their pricing plans. Not all wireless service providers carry the necessary text message service to participate. Check your wireless devise for specific text messaging instructions and capabilities.

11. The coupon code may not be used by employees of Expedia group companies or any other person professionally connected with this offer including, without limitation, travel agency affiliate program partners.

12. Improper use of the coupon code by you including but not limited to publication or selling of the coupon code is prohibited, will result in the voiding of the coupon codes use, and may constitute fraud.

13. This Coupon may not be transferred or sold. Coupon codes obtained through unauthorized channels, mutilated, altered, copied, forged, damaged, manipulated, or tampered with in any way will be deemed void.

14. Expedia reserves the right to change or withdraw this offer at any time and to cancel any bookings made where the coupon was improperly obtained or used to make any speculative, false, or fraudulent bookings.

15. This offer is from Expedia.

16. Terms and conditions of this coupon are as written and cannot be changed by any representation of any unauthorized person, including employees of Expedia, Inc. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Washington State, USA.

Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 29/10/2008
Ziņas: 20445
Manīts: pirms 37 ned
Kur: RIX

Interesants Expedia kupons DONTWAIT100, 100 dolāru atlaide lidojumiem, minimālā cena 200 USD, lidojumam jābut turpatpakaļ ar vienu un to pašu aviosabiedrību.



Expedia End of Year App Flight Deals!

$100 off on select flights

Qualifying Bookings: This coupon code discount applies only to round-trip, flight only bookings (not a flight booking in combination with any other product or offering such as flight + hotel or flight + hotel + car) made through the US Expedia Mobile App or the Expedia Tablet App that are pre-paid at the time of booking (subject to the restrictions set out in the terms and conditions below). The App is available to download from (i) the iTunes store and (ii) the Google Play Store. For details see www.expedia.com/app.

Coupon code value : $100 off.

Minimum Spend: $200 USD (minimum spend is the price of the flight travel reservation including any taxes, and excluding additional fees or additional costs such as baggage, class of service, etc.). This spend must take place in one transaction.

Redemption Period: 09:00 am PST December 13, 2018 and 11:59 pm PST December 14, 2018 , limited quantity, while supplies last.

Travel Period: The travel dates must be between December 13, 2018 and June 30, 2019 (inclusive).

How to use your coupon code 

· You must make your stand-alone round-trip, flight only booking using the Expedia App.

· Use the App to search for flights for your desired travel dates, within the travel period given above.

· During the booking process, on the payment page you will see the link ”Enter coupon code” where you can enter the coupon code.

· Enter the coupon code in the relevant field and then click the “Apply” button. If your booking is eligible, the applicable discount will be subtracted from the price of the travel reservation before the application of any taxes, applicable fees or additional costs.

· You will be billed in full by the airline and then credited back the coupon value by Expedia. Credit may take 7 to 10 days or more to appear on your statement, depending upon the issuing card bank.



1. Subject to the restrictions set out in these terms and conditions and compliance with the above, the coupon code may be applied to select stand-alone round trip, flight only bookings (not a flight booking in combination with any other product such as flight + hotel or flight + hotel + car) made through the US Expedia Mobile App. The coupon code can only be used for pre-pay bookings.

2. The coupon code cannot be redeemed against flights that are refundable or one-way. Flights must be booked using the same airline for round-trip travel. Prices do not include baggage fees or other additional costs that may be charged by the applicable airline. Seats are limited and may not be available on all flights/dates. Tickets may be nontransferable. Read the complete penalty rules for changes and cancellations applicable to the fare you're considering booking.

3. Provided that you spend a minimum of $200 (the price of the booking including any taxes and excluding additional fees or additional costs such as baggage, class of service, etc.) in one booking, the coupon code entitles you to $100 off the price of the relevant travel reservation before the application of any applicable fees or additional costs.

4. The coupon code cannot be redeemed against taxes, supplier fees, cancellation or change fees/penalties, administrative fees or other miscellaneous charges, which are the sole responsibility of the customer.

5. Usual booking terms and conditions apply (see http://www.expedia.com/p/info-other/legal.htm ) and all bookings are subject to availability.

6. This coupon can only be used once per customer and will be deemed fully redeemed and expired once a qualifying booking has been made. This coupon code may not be used or combined with other coupons, promotions or special offers.

7. The coupon code cannot be used for any booking previously made. It will be deemed fully redeemed once a qualifying booking has been made. The coupon code has no cash value and no refunds or cash alternative will be offered. There is no residual value and no credit will be issued if the purchase amount is less than the coupon code discount. The coupon code may not be re-used, even in the event that you change or cancel the booking. 

8. The coupon code is void where prohibited by law and may only be used by legal residents of the US aged 18 and over.

9. When booking using a mobile device, message and data rates may apply. Please consult your wireless service provider regarding their pricing plans. Not all wireless service providers carry the necessary text message service to participate. Check your wireless devise for specific text messaging instructions and capabilities.

10. The coupon code may not be used by employees of Expedia group companies or any other person professionally connected with this offer including, without limitation, travel agency affiliate program partners.

11. Improper use of the coupon code by you including but not limited to publication or selling of the coupon code is prohibited, will result in the voiding of the coupon codes use, and may constitute fraud.

12. This Coupon may not be transferred or sold. Coupon codes obtained through unauthorized channels, mutilated, altered, copied, forged, damaged, manipulated, or tampered with in any way will be deemed void.

13. Expedia reserves the right to change or withdraw this offer at any time and to cancel any bookings made where the coupon was improperly obtained or used to make any speculative, false, or fraudulent bookings.

14. This offer is from Expedia.

15. Terms and conditions of this coupon are as written and cannot be changed by any representation of any unauthorized person, including employees of Expedia, Inc. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Washington State, USA.

Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 06/02/2010
Ziņas: 2827
Manīts: pirms 1 d

Gribēju nopirkt RIX-NYC RT ar AY ar šo kodu, neiet. Undecided

Around the world
2023: RIX, GDN, ATH


Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 17/04/2009
Ziņas: 294
Manīts: pirms 4 d

FXQuadro rakstīja:

Gribēju nopirkt RIX-NYC RT ar AY ar šo kodu, neiet. Undecided

Man Air France lidojumam pirmo reizi parādīja, ka neder, otrajā - aizgāja.
