Tā kā vēlos no Porto caur Lisabonu doties uz Faro nepieciešams iznomāt automašīnu. Forumā esmu izlasijis vairums rakstu par auto nomu Portugālē un Eiropā, bet lai būtu pavisam skaidrs ceru sagaidit kādu konkrētu padomu un piedāvājumu. Tātad Porto ielidoju 04.10. un tur plānoju pavadīt pāris dienas. Tad no 07.10. būtu nepiecie;sama automašīna, lai dotos uz Lisabonas pusi. Lisabona plānoju ierasties 09.10. Lisabona it kā automašīna nebūtu nepiecišams. No Lisabonas izbrauktu 11.10. uz Faro pusi, kur auto nodotu 13.10..
Tā, ka pa vidu 2 dienas plānoju pavadīt Lisabonā, gribēju saprast kā ir izdevīgāk. Īrēt auto no 07.10. Porto līdz 13.10. Faro, kad mašīna atstāju Lisabonā pie apartamentiem neizmantotu uz 2 dienām vai varbūt no 07.10. Porto līdz 09.10. Lisabona + 11.10 Lisabona līdz 13.10. Faro. Vienīgais otrajā gadījumā, ja es neiegādājos apdrošināšanu pa taisno no īres kantora, tad man rezervē depozītu par katru nomas periodu un man nepietiekt kredītkartes limits. Un kā ir ar auto atstāšanu Lisabonā, ja vēlos kaut kur centrā īrēt apartamentu, vai būs kur novietot un to neapskādēs?
Varbūt kāds var ielikt konkrētu piedāvājumu (vecums 24 gadi)?
Palasi šajās tēmās, varbūt būs kāda noderīga doma
Bet mēs, kad bijām Portugālē, ielidojām Lisabonā un tur divas dienas pārvietojāmies tik ar sabiedrisko transportu (ņēmām Lisabonas karti) un tik pēc tam, kad braucām tālāk, nomājām auto( devāmies uz Sintru un tālāk gar okeānu uz Porto)
Pēc pieredzes, tad Porto bija visgrūtāk atrast, kur novietot auto. Tad vienā viesnīcā (iepriekš, kad vēl tik rezervēju) mums piedāvāja auto stāvvietu par 6 EUR diennaktī. To sarunājām iepriekš, caur e-pastiem sarakstoties. Stāvvieta nepiederēja viesnīcai, tur tik viņi sadarbojās un ieteica. Bet tā visur citur es meklēju viesnīcas, kuras piedāvā bezmaksas auto stāvvietas.
Atpakaļ lidojām no Lisabonas un mums paveicās, ka bija vietiņa pie pašas viesnīcas , kur novietot auto un veiksmīgi, jo no pulkst. 20:00 vakarā līdz rītam - 9:00 varēja auto atstāt bez maksas.
Mēs nomājam no Drive on Holidays. Vietējā portugāļu kompānija, kura lidostā neatrodas, bet atbrauc pārstāvis un ar savu busiņu nogādā no un uz lidostu. Viss bija ļoti operatīvi. Saņēmām pavisam jaunu Toyota Yoaris.
Te viņu logo: Drive on Holidays
p.s. kaut kā nekopē linku pareizi, bet Drive on Holidays logo tur ir starp tām kompānijām.
No Porto uz Lisabonu ir labs vilciens, kas Portugālē ir OK cenas. Porto auto jāatstāj pie viesnīcas un tālāk ar kājām vai sabiedrisko. Lisabonā arī nav veigli, bet var atrast uzcītīgi riņķojot. Ja auto nomai netrāpīsies īpašie piedāvājumi īsajiem periodiem, tad nomu dalīt noteikti nav izdevīgi. Labas cenas sākas no nedēļas vai 5 dienām, kā kurai nomai.
Vēl jāņem vērā ka "one way rent" ar atdošanu citā punktā ir maksas pakalpojums, līdz ar to plānot divas vienvirziena īres varētu būt padārgs prieks.
Atkarīgs no tā - cik cilvēki brauc līdzi. Ja 3-4, tad var atmaksāties ņemt mašīnu Porto un turēt Lisabonā stāvvietā, ja mazāk - es brauktu no Porto ar sabiedrisko un tikai Lisabonā ņemtu mašīnu braucot uz Faro. Lisabonā atrast parkingu ir murgs, ja nu tikai dzīvo galīgi ārpus centra, varbūt viesnīcas piedāvā? Pati braukšana pa kalniem un šauram ielām arī bija diezgan ekstrēma un tur es ar auto neriskēju parvietoties, kaut pieredze ar braukšanu pie stūres citās valstīs man nav maza.
Par ekstrēmo braukšanu pa kalniem - te oponēšu. Nu nebija tur nekas īpaši ekstrēms. Varbūt, ka nebraucām pa ekstrēmajiem kalniem, mums bija maršruts uz Sintru (tur ir šauras ieliņas un kalnains), bet ne tā, kā teiktu ekstrēmi. Tālāk gar okeānu uz Ericeiras pusi, Peniche, Nazare, Porto, Guimareša, Braga - tur normāla braukšana. Tad pa Douro upes ieleju uz Pinhao, kur vīnogu dārzi. Tas kalnainākas ceļš, bet ne ekstrēmi. Protams, ka pie stūres bija vīrs, ne es, bet man nekas pārlieku ekstrēms neizskatījās. Protams, ka vienmēr ir jātur acis vaļā un jāskatās
Vienīgais Coimbrā gan iebraucām ļoti šaurā bezizejā. Tur gan vajadzēja lūgt vietējo palīdzību, lai ataisa pagalma vārtus, jo savādāk nevarēja sagriezt mašīnu braukšanai atpakaļ, bet atpakaļgaitā no tās vietas nekādīgi nevarēja izbraukt, jo iela bija ļoti, loti šaura un ar līkumu. Be, nu mēs tikām atpakaļ, noskrāpējot tik spoguļu plastmasas uzlikas, ko auto nomā pat nepamanīja. Varbūt, ka arī tur tā neskatījās, jo mums bija apdrošināšana ar 0 pašrisku.
Lai veicas un, la jauks ceļojums!
Portugāļi ir tiešām ļoti labi autovadītāji un brauc ievērojami pārsniedzot ātrumu visur, bet neriskējot ar citu dzīvībām/veselību. Ātrumu apdzīvotās vietās ierobežo radari, kuri saslēgti ar luksoforu. Ja brauc pārsniedzot atļauto, tad ieslēdzas sarkanais. Viņiem drošas braukšanas skola ir ikdienā, tā izveidojas no kalnainā reljefa, blīvas satiksmes, šaurām ielām un stāvvietu trūkuma.
Ar ekstremo domāju tieši Lisabonu, pārēja Portugāle daudz neatšķiras no citām Vidusjūras valstīm. Mana draudzene dzīvoja Alfamā un tur parkings bija iespējams tikai ar roceni un parkinga "pīkstuļu" palīdzību, pie tam ja vakarā vispār var atrast vietu. Bet varbūt baigi pieredzējušiem vīriešiem tā nav diža problēma
Par Lisabonu - jā. Rakstīju, ka Lisabonā mēs divas dienas pārvietojāmies tik ar sabiedrisko transportu (ņēmām Lisabonas karti) un tik pēc tam, kad braucām tālāk, paņēmām nomā auto.
Un atpakaļ, kad lidojām no Lisabonas, mums paveicās, ka bija brīva vietiņa pie pašas viesnīcas, kur novietot auto. Tātad, visa Portugāles ceļojuma laikā, Lisabonā mums vajadzēja stāvvietu tik uz vienu nakti.
p.s. ceru, ka autoram kaut kas noder no šīs diskusijas.
Apskatījos', ka ir zemākas cenas un viņi piedāvā free one way fees. Viņi arī darbojas laikam ir kā starpnieks un vai viņu piedāvātais beigās pie nomas kompānijas arī ir tāds kā rakstīts mājaslapā?
Kripsevics, mūsu pieredze ar kompāniju Drive on Holidays, Lisabonā (tas no tā linka, viena no kompānijām)
Uz Portugāli lidojām jūnijā, bet auto nomas piedāvājumus skatījāmies jau laicīgi, martā. Atradām piedāvājumu uz 8 dienām par 86 EUR (piedāvājumā bija Peugeot 207 or similar) Vienīgās mūsu prasības bija, ka jābūt kondicionierim un 5. durvīm. Pie rezervēšanas noņēma 14 EUR un atsūtīja apstiprinājumu, ka norezervēts Mitsubishi Colt or similar. Nu, labi, lai ir Colt, nodomājām. Iepriekš jau salasījos visādus briesmu stāstus un bijām nedaudz norūpējušies, kas nu būs, jo kantoris mazpazīstams. Bet bažas bija veltas, jo nomas kantorī saņēmām pavisam jaunu Toyota Yoaris.
Nebija nekādu ierobežojumu nobraukumam un arī no valsts drīkstēja izbraukt. Mašīnu saņēmām ar tukšu bāku un nodevām arī gandrīz ar tukšu. Saņēmām Lisabonā un atdevām Lisabonā, pa Portugāli nobraucām nedaudz virs 2000 km. Ņēmām apdrošināšanu nomas kantorī, tāpēc drošības naudu no konta nerezervēja. Apdrošināšana maksāja 10 EUR dienā (ar 0 pašrisku). Tātad ar apdrošināšanu un nomas maksu par 8 dienām kopā samaksājām 166 EUR.
Varbūt, ka arī mums paveicās, ka paņēmām pilno apdrošināšanu, jo par piedzīvojumiem Kombrā jau rakstīju.
Nezinu vai ko dos mūsu pieredze, jo Tu jau lido uz Porto un izlido atpakaļ no Faro.
Lai jauks ceļojums!
Piemēram, skatoties šajā lapā no kompānijas Avis ir šadi noteikumi, kas padara izmaksas lētākas:
1) ir one way free, kas citās nomas kompānijās ir ap 150 euro;
2) nav jāmaksā par vadītāju zem 25 gadiem).
Tomēr skatoties Avis mājas lapā viņi par one way un vadītāju zem 25 iekasē naudu. Cik ir ticams šis lapas piedāvājums, ka beigās nokļūstot pie nomas kompānijas iepriekš norādītās priekšrocības nebūs saistošas?
Zemāk nomas noteikumu.
All prices in Euros are final, no hidden costs.
These Special Prices available only thru the Internet, cannot be combined with any other promotions.
CDW comprehensive insurance
FREE road taxes(dont confuse this with tolls please)
Theft and Fire Insurance
Unlimited mileage / kilometers
Airport taxes and service charges
23% VAT (Portuguese taxes)
24 Hours road assistance in Portugal and Western Europe
National one way FREE on all rentals
Second driver free + Free travel in Spain
P.A.I - Personal Accident Insurance costs € 7.70 per day
SUPER P.A.I. - € 10.80 per day
Insurance Excess Waiver - Between € 14.90 to € 27.90 per day according to vehicle
Booster seats cost an extra € 8.75 per day, maximum € 85.00 per rental
Child seats cost an extra € 8.75 per day - maximum € 85.00 per rental
Extra Driver € 8.50 per day (max € 42.50) - FREE on all AVIS rentals
After hours fees (if you arrive after hours - € 25.00/hour)
All extras please add 23% VAT
€ 21.50 for Hotel Delivery
WDW (window damage waiver) € 1.35 per day
GPS - € 14.20 1 day - 4/5/6/7 days package pays € 55.70 (max of € 68.00 per rental)
Young driver fee - Between 21-24 years old - € 7.50 per day - FREE on all online bookings
Minimum rental is 3 days on all cars - price for 1 or 2 days is same of 3 days and drivers must be at least 21 years old and 1 year experience.
Maximum of rental: 30 days
BLUETOOTH / WI-FI is now available at LISBON, OPORTO And FARO AIRPORTS at € 5.25 euros per day, max of € 52.50 per rental.
E-TOLL now available on Avis cars for € 1.53 per day (max 10 days) + tolls.
All cars come FULL and client must return car also FULL to avoid any charges and refuelling fees.
Late arrival / returns fee € 25.00 per hour
With CDW, the driver is responsible for a deductible:
Group A, B, C,O | € 1.250.00 |
Group E, F, N | € 2.000.00 |
Group L, G, I, P, K | € 3.000.00 |
Group D,H, M |
€ 5.000.00 |
Group J |
€ 7.500.00 |
Group A, B, C, O | € 14.90 per day |
Group E, F, N | € 15.90 per day |
Group G, P, I, L, K | € 18.25 per day |
Group H, D, J, M | € 27.90 per day |
The mentioned values on this sheet are subject to the legal tax 23% (VAT) and can be changed without further notice.
The hirer is responsible up to a predetermined amount for the first x dollars of damage to the insurance for damage to the vehicle which may include windscreen, glass, tire or wheel damage and keys locks. This is the only liability in the event of an accident. But due note that Avis now charges a administrative fee in case the client/ renter has an acident = € 50.00
€ 7.70 per day. PAI is insurance which covers the lives of the driver and the occupants of the hired vehicle.
Rates included public liability and property damage, fire and theft of the car (luggage is not included or any items inside the vehicle). Theft of your personal property left in a hire vehicle is not covered by your vehicle insurance is a time-consuming process that is easily avoided.
Save money pre-booking your car! If you do not book your car and just show up at the airport you will be charge full fares, sometimes twice of what we charge if you had pre-booked your car with us.
Please note that AVIS charges a ONE WAY FEE if you return a GPS at a diferent location.
The best and fastest way to book is to send your name, car desired, arrival and departure date, times, flight information, airport desired and from what city you will arrive. Just e-mail us this information or fax it to us and you will get your confirmation voucher within 2 hours.
E-mail advantage! Nowadays with internet and e-mail you could have your voucher and travel documents at your desk within minutes, plus you could print all the information that we send to you, so there are no mistakes and no hidden charges and no surprises when you get to your destination.
We accept all credit cards at our offices in Portugal. And remember that our site has SSL (secure sockets layer, 100 % secure site) so feel free to send that info from our server.
If you don't have a credit card, please write or call us for specific details how to rent a car. We only accept cash rentals for drivers 23 years old or older and on all groups besides Group H.
Prices are fixed in Euros at the day of pick-up and if paid by US credit card (billed in US$) the final price in USD may slightly deviate due to fluctuations in exchange rate at the time of billing submitted to credit card company. We decline responsibility for value variations in the US Dollar against any currencies. All bookings accepted are subject to fleet availability. Although we will make every effort to meet the customer’s first choice, the Company reserves the right, should last minute fleet availability problems arise, to replace the car request by another of similar or higher category, at no additional cost to the customer.
We do not charge for cancellations as long as you cancel 7 days before arrival date on voucher.Otherwise We will not refund the payment made online, usually 5 Euros on AVIS.
For two reasons. First, we have teamed up with the biggest car rental in Portugal who have negotiated these favorable rates. Second, we use the internet to do all the transactions which cuts our cost considerably.
In case of accident where the driver is found at fault, the insurance companies decline any or all responsibility for that driver of all damages caused to the hired vehicle or to third parties whenever it is detected that the driver was driving under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, drugs, toxic products or by insanity of the driver or by a driver not in the contract.
Also if the client uses the car in sportive competitions, races, rallies, challenges, contests, bets, etc. Even if the car’s driver is not under the influence of any of the above items but by any means whatsoever destroys our car by his own fault, we shall not refund any amount for the time left to complete the rental. We will only give another car against a large deposit that may cover eventual damages that may be caused to the new car.
Please note that accidents caused by, in the opinion of the local authorities, dangerous driving, or driving whilst under the effects of alcohol will normally invalidate all drivers insurance, which can be a costly and worrying experience. NOTE: Avis charges an accident fee (€ 50.00) to handle all accidents.
Also if client fail to pay tolls and fines Avis will charge a € 30.00 fee + tolls and fines to handle this type of occurence.
Please note that prices published on this website are subject to amendment at any time.
Avis's maximum liability to its customers shall not exceed the value of the car rental price paid by the customer.
Our cars are new and in tip top condition. Our fleet is changed twice a year with 24 Hour road assistance. Automatic cars and vans are generally rented less frequently than passenger cars and may be slightly older for this reason. GPS cannot be guaranteed and may be charge a fee if returned in a different location.
We have one of the widest selection of cars of any car rental fleet in Portugal with offices at main Portuguese airports (Lisbon, Porto, Faro and Funchal) plus 25 locations through the country. Our service is on time, friendly, and hassle free. Cars are available inside the arrival halls at all 4 Portuguese airports.
All prices shown are INTERNET DISCOUNTED PRICES that are only available thru this website and only available to persons that reside outside Portugal and are arriving by plane, train or ship. All companies charge a managemente fee if you have an accident (and don't have the SUPER CDW) and if you have traffic tickets or unpaid tolls. Clients are responsible for tolls and fines.
Prices of extras fees may me be changed at any time without notice.
Drivers must have a valid Driver's License, Passport and a major Credit Card in their name.
All drivers must have drivers license, passport and 1 credit card except Premium Groups H, M, D require 2 major credit cards.
An International Driver’s License (IDL) is required if the renter’s national driver’s license is not in Roman alphabet (i.e. Arabic, Greek, Russian or Chinese). International driver's license must be accompanied by the original domestic license of the driver. UK license holders must present both the photocard and its paper counterpart at the time of rental. Car companies charges a handling fee if you have fines or if you fail to pay road tolls.
The minimum rental age is 21 years of age. No maximum age restrictions apply.
All drivers have to be at least 21 years old (1 year driving experience) to drive cars in Economy groups. Young drivers fee - € 7.50 per day up to € 75.00 maximum.
Compact cars needs to be 21 years old.
9 and 7 passengers cars required to be 21 years old.
Luxury cars must be over 21 years of age (Group H, M D)this group requires 2 credit cards.
NOTE that on Group H (PREMIUM CARS) Avis requires the driver to be at least 30 years of age + MUST have two credit cards(1 GOLD) for security reasons.
Must be present at time of delivery.
Towns: 31mph (50kmh), outside built-up areas: 56/62mph (90/100kmh), motorways: 74mph (120kmh).
Blood alcohol limit is 50mg. at official tram stops, overtaking is forbidden until passengers have finished entering or leaving the tram.
Carrying gas cans in cars is forbidden. Do not use the horn except to warn of danger. Park on the right. Give way to the right. Travel to Greece, Morocco or any country involved in war is prohibited.
Travel to any country outside western Europe must be requested in advance.
Travel to Spain requires a Special Insurance.
When you rent a car in Portugal a pre-authorization is required for the EXCESS / DEDUCTIBLE amount of the vehicle (See EXCESS / DEDUCTIBLE VALUES). To avoid any responsability on this EXCESS we recomend that you buy the SUPER CDW. Even with SUPER CDW client will be liable to a minimum deductible as below:
Group A, B, C, O | € 100.00 |
Group E, F , N | € 125.00 |
Group G, P, I, L, K | € 190.00 |
Group H, D, M | € 475.00 |
Group J | € 550.00 |
If a pre-authorization is not left then the purchase of additional insurances are mandatory to reduce the EXCESS to a minimum. If the EXCESS is not reduced to zero a pre-authorization is required for the reduced excess amount.
You will also be asked to leave a security deposit for a full tank of fuel as all cars come FULL of gasoline or diesel depending of the car type.
Even with SUPER CDW and even on small rentals please make sure your credit card has at least 550 euros credit line.
This quote is valid only for 24 hours only - also note that Automatic cars, Vans and Cabriolets should be requested and booked well in advance as they are sold out months in advance. This is only a quote. To confirm this quote you must book it on website or reply to this email with name, address, phone and flight arrival information please.
Iesaku pamēģināt Viņi sadarbojas ar mazajām auto nomām visā pasaulē, tai skaitā Portugālē, iespējams var dabūt zemāku cenu.