My advice is to give your child the same first name as yours. In that way you can share status (albeit against the program rules) while still alive. For frequent family travelers, parent could go for high status in Star Alliance and SPG, child for One World and Hyatt. Only downside is that you can’t travel together
After death, the child can just pick up where their parent left off. And if they too named their child with the same name, we could have some 150 year old platinums out there
Es piemetinātu, ka varētu likt ļoti līdzīgu vārdu, pimēram, Andris, Andis, Andra, Antra. Vajadzības gadījumā sakam ka nokļūdījāmies burtā un palūdzam aviokompānijai nomainīt vārdu Nemaināmās biļetes paliek maināmas.
Bet kā tad ar personas kodiem?
Bet kā tad ar personas kodiem?
kas ar tiem?
Kurā lojalitātes programmā tad prasa personas kodu?