Hostelbookers aptauja - 200.- GBP izloze

2 atbildes [Pēdējā ziņa]
Lietotāja Ingemaars attēls
Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 27/04/2010
Ziņas: 2385
Manīts: pirms 38 min
Kur: RIX

Simply answer the questions in our Holiday Romance Survey, and you’ll be entered into a prize draw to win £200.

The competition will run from 15th January 2014 and will close 26th January 2014.
Any entries received or processed after the competition is closed will not be accepted.
The winner will be drawn at random by judges on the 27th January 2014.
The winner will be notified within seven days of the prize draws by email.

Vienīgi aptauja tāda svdabīga - fragments no aptaujas:

Which of these sexual things have you done whilst on holidays? (Tick all that apply):

Had a threesome
Had sex with someone opposite from your normal orientation
Slept with the hostel / hotel staff
Had sex with more than 1 person in the same holiday
Had sex with more than 5 people in the same holiday
Taken sex toys on holiday with you
Had sex with a local

normina -iņš
Lietotāja normina -iņš attēls
Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 31/08/2012
Ziņas: 1945
Manīts: pirms 3 d
Kur: RIX

Nu pēc šāda testa aizpildīšanas pats maksāsi 200 GBP katru nedēļu viņiem, lai rezultātus nerāda Tavai sievai Grin

Interesanti, kāda ir Kosmiskās radioaktivitātes ietekme uz alu vasaras periodā?

Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 04/01/2009
Ziņas: 14915
Manīts: pirms 1 st

Šitā gan labā aptauja!