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Eiropas Adagio Aparthotel zimoļa izpardošana līdz 50%
no 4 līdz 9 nakt.
booking: 19-26.02.13
stay: 25.02-30.04.13
40% atlaide azijas, australijas regiona
Book: līdz 12.03.13
Stay: 27.03-30.06.13
This offer is valid for reservations made by Accor Advantage Plus members, Le Club Accorhotels members, ACCOR newsletter subscribers and the general public.
Prices displayed are per night for single or double rooms and exclude breakfast.
Booking must be prepaid online - vaučeri neder.
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3 naktis apr 2 nakšu cenu , dzīvo līdz 31 maijam.
dažie vacu viesnisas Rhine-Ruhr sektora pec formulas 2par1
booking: -25.04.13
stay: 20.04-31.12.13
500 pts. papildus jaunaijem shemas biedriem pec pirmas nakšņošanas
registracija līdz 30.04.13
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