Šobrīd atrodos Honolulu un tiko saņēmu e-pastu par Air NewZealand reisa atcelšanu rīt no rīta uz Oklendu dēļ tekniskām problēmām. Iesaka palikt vēl vienu nakti ASV un sola 250$ kimpensaciju, bet tas, cik saprotams, ir viesnīcas segšanai. Visticamāk ka likšot nākamās dienas reisā.
Vai kādam ir zināma ASV regula attiecībā uz šādu gadījumu un kādas ir manas tieības?
Pateicos jau iepriekš.
ASV nav likumu, kas noteiktu kompensāciju šādā gadījumā. Viss atkarīgs no aviosabiedrības pretimnākšanas.
Air New Zealand izsakās šādi:
Where a disruption that is due to reasons within our control results in an overnight delay and you:
Have already commenced your journey, we will provide you:
These provisions will be offered until alternative travel arrangements have been arranged by Air New Zealand. Should you opt to make different arrangements, these and any additional costs will be your responsibility.
Have not yet commenced your journey we will:
Where you opt to amend the arrangements offered by us we will permit one change without penalty for travel within 3 days of the unsuitable flight subject to availability in the same cabin class. Changes outside of the 3 days or after the first change can be made subject to the original fare rules and costs.
If the alternative flight arrangements made aren't acceptable to you, or if we fail to operate reasonably according to schedule and your reason for travel no longer exists then:
Please ensure you let us know before leaving the airport if you no longer wish to travel so we can cancel your travel arrangements. You should then submit your refund or credit request (where applicable) to your travel agent or to our refunds team.
Paldies, Juri!