airixo - translation into latvian

5 atbildes [Pēdējā ziņa]
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Kopš: 05/05/2014
Ziņas: 6
Manīts: pirms 10 gadi

hi there,

Will I find here somebody who is willing to translate a few rows of text into latvian for the low-fare search

You can find the attachment here


We believe in flying for a lot less.

Lietotāja Ingemaars attēls
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Kopš: 27/04/2010
Ziņas: 2400
Manīts: pirms 6 st
Kur: RIX

Dear Dave,

these "few rows" of text contains about 1466 words. Yours posting is reasonable, if the payment for translation will be at least 176,- EUR Smile

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Kopš: 25/02/2013
Ziņas: 8711
Manīts: pirms 10 st

Dave, if you try to order your translation, using the services of Latvian translation agencies, I hope the price for translation of 2 pages into Latvian will not exceed 15 EUR (7,50 EURO per page). You can try, for example, Skrivanek Latvia. I have used this agency for ages for Latvian - Dutch translations, service is quick and efficient. 

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Kopš: 02/04/2012
Ziņas: 2499
Manīts: pirms 3 ned
Kur: SEA

Yeah, I agree with Viesturs, you can order a professional translation on the cheap. You can then post it here, so we can review it and fix some contextual mistakes, if there will be any.

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Kopš: 08/01/2010
Ziņas: 167
Manīts: pirms 2 gadi

Jūs nu gan no viena grāvja otrā Smile Viens saka 30 EUR par lapu, otrs - 2 lapas un 15 EUR kopā Smile reālais būs kaut kur pa vidu...

1466 words ~ 6 pages ~ 60 EUR (Latvijas aģentūras)

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Kopš: 05/05/2014
Ziņas: 6
Manīts: pirms 10 gadi

Well guys, I hoped that I could find here someone who knows the "air fare slang" and could help us localize the fare-search to latvian language. Anyway thanks for Skrivanek, I am going to check it, translate it and the let you know about our steps for better latvian airixo. Smile

We believe in flying for a lot less.