Accorholels loterija — The Food Explorer

36 atbildes [Pēdējā ziņa]
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Kopš: 24/01/2017
Ziņas: 2388
Manīts: pirms 9 st

Chorizo, prawns, chicken, mussels, saffron, squid, rice un Zirņu pākstis.

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Kopš: 27/10/2009
Ziņas: 4428
Manīts: pirms 8 st

Paldies, dubults neplīst!

Lietotāja RX attēls
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Kopš: 04/07/2009
Ziņas: 3928
Manīts: pirms 14 st

Baigie spečuki tagad esam pavārmākslā, bet vai taustāmu labumu kaut viens no mums ir dabūjis?

Lei Fengs
Lietotāja Lei Fengs attēls
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Kopš: 26/07/2013
Ziņas: 11146
Manīts: pirms 3 ned

 Reizēm zināšanas nevar pārveidot dukātos!Smile Paskat, pat skarbais zahuj k-gs pavilcies uz čiploku pusi (alias virtuvi)! 

 Iekuram plīti un gaidām Z/Sv.brīnumu! Ja ticēsi, tad agri vai vēlu......

 Klāvs arī svilina pečku!Smile

 Ingemaar! Vairāk recepšu!



Kopš: 30/10/2008
Ziņas: 2192
Manīts: pirms 13 min
Kur: Rīga

RX rakstīja:

Baigie spečuki tagad esam pavārmākslā, bet vai taustāmu labumu kaut viens no mums ir dabūjis?

Pavārmāksla, manuprāt, kaut arī neatstāj aiz sevis ar putekļainām mantām piebāztus muzejus, ir viena no vērtīgākajām un smalkākajām. 
Bet par loteriju ir arī šāds viedoklis: 

This is a fake contest!

The game is being announced as finished and congratulating winners before the terms and conditions schedule for draws and prizes.
24 hours prior to the "contest" finishes the "campaign finish" page was already published displaying information on distributed points that should be drawn in the following days, indicating that the winners were already pre determined.
Check this out:

​​​​​​Thanks for joining us to travel the world with your taste buds.
Loads of you accepted the Food Explorer's challenge to cook up some foreign fare, with 1,827,925 Rewards points being won overall.
Huge congratulations to our five Food Explorers , who each won 200 000 Le Club AccorHotels Rewards points in our big prize draw!
And a big bravo to our 500 members who won a total of 827,925 Le Club AccorHotels Rewards points in our daily prize draws!

How come such data is available prior to the contest finishes?
How come in the 19th they're congratulating winners from a draw supposed to happen from 20-27th? That seems odd and honestly makes me question the reputation of the contest.
Wrote them about it and got a non convincing excuse... I hate to have the feeling that I lost my time, what a shame Accor...

Lei Fengs
Lietotāja Lei Fengs attēls
Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 26/07/2013
Ziņas: 11146
Manīts: pirms 3 ned

 Kā ar sirpi..... pa cerībām Frown Tad nekā nebūs?