10 dienas Arizonas nacionālajos parkos + auto īre + viesnīca + 700 USD tēriņiem + lidojums no Eiropas

2 atbildes [Pēdējā ziņa]
Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 25/02/2015
Ziņas: 245
Manīts: pirms 5 d


Redzēju skatoties tv, iegāju un tiešām nesen sākusies - varbūt kādam paveicās, brīnumi taču notiek! Smile

p.s. ja kāds no mūsējiem vinnē - polšs no viņa! Smile

Prize - there is one prize consisting of:

A 10 night trip to Arizona, USA for the winner and one (1) companion (entrant must be aged 25 or over including:

Economy Class flights to Arizona PHX from any major European gateway city.

10 day intermediate car hire (driver must be aged 25 or over).

Room-only accommodation based on 2 adults sharing a double room at the following hotels:

10 Nights in a 4 Star Arizona Kimpton Hotel. Kimpton properties are located in Phoenix, Scottsdale and Sedona. The Arizona Office of Tourism will tailor the hotel accommodations based on seasonality and selected destination of the winner.

One $700 Visa gift card.

- See more at: http://www.travelchanneltv.eu/terms-conditions-arizona#sthash.PohlP8oe.dpuf

Prize - there is one prize consisting of:

A 10 night trip to Arizona, USA for the winner and one (1) companion (entrant must be aged 25 or over including:

Economy Class flights to Arizona PHX from any major European gateway city.

10 day intermediate car hire (driver must be aged 25 or over).

Room-only accommodation based on 2 adults sharing a double room at the following hotels:

10 Nights in a 4 Star Arizona Kimpton Hotel. Kimpton properties are located in Phoenix, Scottsdale and Sedona. The Arizona Office of Tourism will tailor the hotel accommodations based on seasonality and selected destination of the winner.

One $700 Visa gift card.

- See more at: http://www.travelchanneltv.eu/terms-conditions-arizona#sthash.PohlP8oe.dpuf

Prize - there is one prize consisting of:

A 10 night trip to Arizona, USA for the winner and one (1) companion (entrant must be aged 25 or over including:

Economy Class flights to Arizona PHX from any major European gateway city.

10 day intermediate car hire (driver must be aged 25 or over).

Room-only accommodation based on 2 adults sharing a double room at the following hotels:

10 Nights in a 4 Star Arizona Kimpton Hotel. Kimpton properties are located in Phoenix, Scottsdale and Sedona. The Arizona Office of Tourism will tailor the hotel accommodations based on seasonality and selected destination of the winner.

One $700 Visa gift card.

- See more at: http://www.travelchanneltv.eu/terms-conditions-arizona#sthash.PohlP8oe.dpuf

Prize - there is one prize consisting of:

A 10 night trip to Arizona, USA for the winner and one (1) companion (entrant must be aged 25 or over including:

Economy Class flights to Arizona PHX from any major European gateway city.

10 day intermediate car hire (driver must be aged 25 or over).

Room-only accommodation based on 2 adults sharing a double room at the following hotels:

10 Nights in a 4 Star Arizona Kimpton Hotel. Kimpton properties are located in Phoenix, Scottsdale and Sedona. The Arizona Office of Tourism will tailor the hotel accommodations based on seasonality and selected destination of the winner.

One $700 Visa gift card.

- See more at: http://www.travelchanneltv.eu/terms-conditions-arizona#sthash.PohlP8oe.dpuf

Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 22/08/2012
Ziņas: 809
Manīts: pirms 1 d

es tos noteikumus īsti nesaprotu "Multiple entries per person are permitted. Spammers will be disqualified."  Tātad es varu pieteikties ar daudz e-pastiem, bet nevaru spamot? ko nozīmē tad spammers šajā gadījumā?

Nav tiešsaistē
Kopš: 25/02/2015
Ziņas: 245
Manīts: pirms 5 d

es pieļauju, ka čekos ne tikai pēc pasta adreses, bet arī vārda un uzvārda. Gan jau šiem ir kāds algoritms, kā izskaitļot tos, kas grib savas izredzes paaugstināt ar vairākiem pieteikumiem...